
Long New Purple Hair
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General Audiences
Archive Warning:
Major Character Death
Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure [Cartoon], Skullgirls [Video Game]
Eugene Fitzherbert | Flynn Rider/Rapunzel, Rapunzel [Disney] & Samson [Skullgirls]
Eugene Fitzherbert | Flynn Rider, Rapunzel [Disney], Filia Medici - Mentioned, Samson [Skullgirls]
Additional Tags:
Past Character Death, Mythical Beings & Creatures, Parasites, Host And Parasite, Purple Hair, Long Hair, Queen Regent Rapunzel, Married Couple, Happy Ending, Ambiguous/Open Ending, One Shot, Hats, Crowns, Word count: 100 - 500, POV Third Person Limited, Royalty, Kissing, Autistic Author, Crossover, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Post-Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure [Cartoon], Cross-Posted from AO3, Dialogue Heavy, Translation, Translated from French
Published: 2025-02-17 Words: 433 Chapters: 1/1

Long New Purple Hair


Short crossover between Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure and Skullgirls. Filia is dead. Samson's survival is tied to his new host, Queen Regent Rapunzel.

Long New Purple Hair

In her bedroom, Rapunzel looks at herself in the big mirror. Her new long purple hair makes her uncomfortable.

Everything had happened so fast. The teenager, from another world, whom she couldn't save. The creature that lived in her hair found a new host, Rapunzel. The dead girl's name was Filia. The creature Samson.

“Hey, Your Highness.” Said a deep voice.

The queen regent gasped.

“Who said that?” 

“It’s I, Samson. Have you forgotten me already?”

His mouth and shining eyes are now visible at the back of Rapunzel's head. This frightens her.

“No, but I...”

“You're afraid of me. I understand but I had no choice or I'd have died with Filia.”

“But I wasn't the only person there when she passed away. Flynn was with me.”

“Ah~ Then would you have preferred that I stay in your husband's hair?”

“NO! Absolutely not! But... I'll have to get used to you. It's going to be difficult. Somehow, I've got magic hair again.”

Then there are Corona’s people. Queen Regent Rapunzel doesn't want to frighten them with the creature's presence. Samson explains to Rapunzel that Filia was hiding him under a hat.

“A hat... That might work but I have to wear my crown at formal events with other nobles. That can't hide you.”

“Well in that case, I can close my eyes and sleep. I'm less visible when I sleep.”

It's a good idea. Rapunzel turns from the big mirror and goes to her big wardrobe to find a hat. While she's looking, someone knocks on her door.

“Rapunzel? It's me.” Says Flynn's voice.

“Come in!”

Flynn enters the queen regent's chamber. Seeing Samson, his body tenses.

“Hey, don't worry kid. I'm not gonna hurt her.”

“I'm not a kid, Samson!”

Rapunzel turns to her husband. She still hasn't found a hat.

“Please don't fight.”

“He started it!” Flynn retorts.

He can say nothing else because his wife's mouth is pressed against his. They kiss tenderly. Samson makes a sound of disgust. He hates “flirtatious” gestures. Yet the love between Rapunzel and Flynn is real, not just a simple infatuation.

After Rapunzel separates from her husband, she asks him to help her find a hat.

“So I could hide him in public.” She explains.

With his help, Rapunzel finds a big red hat. The queen regent tries it on right away. It fits perfectly and hides Samson who complains of being short of air. Rapunzel and Flynn laugh, not taking the creature seriously. The queen regent is still afraid of Samson, but she'll learn to live with him. So will her husband.


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